The Many, Many Things You Should Say No to at Work
OK, so this article isn't really about the job search, but it makes me think about the things I take into consideration when I consider work I want to do. For me, specifically, it's about meetings I don't need to be at (and whether I can say no) and the ability to drive my own priorities. These were pain points for me in my last position working for someone else, and it's something I will always screen for. It also makes me think about work/life balance; because I believe you will never have it unless you are empowered to set boundaries and given the latitude to say no. These days, "no" is one of my favorite works. So is "whee!" but I'm not sure that's particularly relevant here.
The Costs to Consider When You Get a New Job
Look, nothing mentioned here will likely make you turn down a good offer. But knowing these factors and speaking to them during the negotiation process is good for you. I'd speak to them in the aggregate though so it doesn't seem petty. I mean, bringing up a month of COBRA payments might make you look a little nuts. But talking about transition costs, and giving some examples could be a good idea. Specifically, you should be thinking about the one-time costs as part of a signing bonus negotiation and ongoing costs (parking, etc.) as part of salary negotiations.
Your LinkedIn Photo Might Be Why You Aren't Getting Hired
OK, here's the deal: I don't really agree with these 100%. So watch the little video and follow the instructions if you don't work in a creative field. Because I do, I have taken the liberty to blow off one of the rules (no filters, etc.), but I'm not out looking for a job and all my business so far has come via referral. If you're a developer or PM, I recommend these rules. And no ashtrays, bongs, beers, nudity, drunk-faces, illegal activities or general dooshery in the photos. You'd think that would go without saying but...yeah.
The Biggest Mistakes I See on Resumes, and How to Correct Them
Nothing too earth-shattering here but some good reminders. And anything that will encourage people to be super-extra truthy on their resume if good shiz.
Three Smart Ways to Attract Recruiters to Your LinkedIn Profile
Some good advice here. There's more advice on my LinkedIn reference guide too, including info on where to strategically place important keywords on your profile.
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